UX Design Internship
Summer 2018
What was Laserlike?
Your interest search engine. Follow the topics you care about, with news, web, video, local, and more. Powerful content search brings you the full perspective in a feed you can control. Never miss what matters, with timely, relevant updates for your interests.
🎉 🎉 🎉  Laserlike was acquired by Apple in May 2019.
What I was up to...
During my time there, I created rapid interactive prototypes for new features.

I also worked with the talented marketing team to conduct user research that would bring the company actionable data.
Improving the Search and Explore Experience
Key Questions included:

How can we integrate modern and trending “explore” experiences to drive user engagement?

How can we integrate modern and trending “explore” experiences—how can this benefit the user and Laserlike?
Launching Saves!
The research I conducted with my team helped Laserlike launch the Saves feature. This feature allowed our users to keep tabs on content they care about.
Looking Back at Laserlike
Unfortunately Laserlike is nolonger available for download, but while it was, I used it follow topics like “Pokemon GO”, “Horror Video Games”, and “Tech Startups”.